The weap resource, surprisingly, stores info on EV's weapons. The name of the weap resource is used as the weapon name in the weaponry section of the status display. The first two fields control the duration of different aspects of the weapon:
Reload The number of frames it takes for one of this weapon to reload. 30 = 1 shot/sec. Smaller numbers yield faster reloads.
Count The number of frames the weapon's shots travel for before they peter out. 30 = 1 second of life.
The next two fields, MassDmg and EnergyDmg, tell EV how much damage to do when one of this weapon's shots hits something:
If the ship's shields are down: damage = MassDmg + (EnergyDmg/4)
If the ship's shields are up: damage = (MassDmg/4) + EnergyDmg
However, the weapon will always do at least one point of damage, regardless of the calculation above.
The next two fields tell EV how the weapon should behave in flight:
Guidance The weapon's guidance mode
-1 Unguided projectile
0 Beam weapon (see below)
1 Dumb homing weapon (affected by sensor interference)
2 Smart homing weapon (affected by ECM and asteroids)
3 Turreted beam
4 Turreted, unguided projectile
5 Freefall bomb (launched at half the ship's current velocity, "weathervanes" into the "wind."
6 Freeflight rocket (launched straight ahead, accelerates to its maximum velocity)
7 Front-quadrant turret, (can fire ±45° off the ship's nose) fires straight ahead if no target
8 Rear-quadrant turret (can fire ±45° off the ship's tail)
99 Carried ship (AmmoType is the ID of the ship class)
Speed The weapon's speed (pixels per frame * 100)
The next field tells EV how to handle the ammunition for this weapon, assuming it’s not a fighter bay:
AmmoType What kind of ammo the weapon uses
-1 Ignored (unlimited ammo)
0-63 Draws ammo from this type of weapon. (Usually, if your Hector Cannon was of ID 131, you'd set the AmmoType to 3 so it'd use Hector Birdseed Pellets or whatever. However, you could conceivably set it to use ammo from another weapon's supply by setting the AmmoType to something else.)
-1000 & below Weapon uses abs(AmmoType+1000) units of fuel per shot.
The next three fields tell EV which graphic and sound to use for this weapon, and how to launch it:
Graphic What graphic set to use for this weapon
0-63 Use this graphic set (i.e. spin resources 200-263)
Inaccuracy The weapon's inaccuracy as it leaves the ship
0 Fires straight
1 and up Fires with up to this amount of inaccuracy (in degrees)
Sound Which sound to play when the weapon fires
-1 Silent but deadly
0-63 Play this sound (snd ID 200-263)
The next four fields store info on how the weapon behaves when it hits something:
Impact The magnitude of the impact when the shot hits something
0 No impact
1 and up This amount of impact, which is inversely proportional to the ship's mass. (Missile = 30)
ExplodType What kind of explosion to show when the weapon hits.
-1 No explosion
0 Small, sparkly explosion
1 Bigger explosion
2 Friggin' huge explosion + little sparks
ProxRadius The radius of the weapon's proximity fuse (useful for unguided missiles and bombs)
0 Weapon requires direct hit to do damage
1 and up This number of pixels of proximity radius
BlastRadius The radius of the weapon's blast effect
0 No blast effect
1 and up This number of pixels of blast radius
The last field contains some miscallenous flag info:
Flags 0x0001 Spin the weapon's graphic continuously
0x0002 Weapon fired by second trigger
0x0010 Weapon's sound is looped rather than played repeatedly
0x0020 Weapon acts as a decoy for missiles
0x0040 Multiple weapons of this type fire simultaneously
0x0100 Weapon's blast doesn't hurt the player
Please note that if you've set the weapon to be a beam (Guidance of 0 or 3) the following fields have different functions:
Count The number of frames the beam stays onscreen (1 is probably best)
Speed The length of the beam (32767 is the max)
Graphic What color the beam is
-2 red
-3 green
-4 blue
-5 cyan
-6 magenta
-7 yellow
If the beam is 3 pixels or wider, you can also use the following:
-8 magenta & red
-9 yellow & green
-10 cyan & blue
Impact Functions normally, with one exception: if the impact is set to a negative value, the beam acts as a tractor beam whose "pull" is proportional to the acceleration strength of your ship's engines.
ProxRadius The beam's width, in pixels. (must be greater than zero unless you want to confuse the user)
BlastRadius Ignored
Note: You shouldn't plan on using the last weap resource (ID 163) in your game, as it's used by EV as the easter egg weapon. (i.e. it's the weapon the player gets by hitting the special key combo on the main screen)
Another Note: If you don't create an oütf resource for each weapon type, your ship's weapon loadout will be corrupted when you land on a planet. (specifically, EV will mistakenly remove any weapons for which you didn't create oütf resources)